Menu Foods Settlement Update – April 26, 2010

Menu Foods Settlement Update – April 26, 2010

Further to our previous update of July 8, 2009, we continue to await resolution of the two appeals filed by American objectors in relation to the U.S. District Court’s decision to approve the Menu Foods settlement. Although the settlement was previously approved in Canada, its implementation was conditional upon U.S. approval and it therefore cannot proceed until these appeals have been resolved.

At this point in time both appeals have been completed before the Court. A hearing was held on February 22, 2010 and we now await the decision of the Appellate Court.

While Canadian class members must unfortunately continue to wait until the resolution of these appeals before receiving payment of their settlement monies, we have been informed that the Administrator has continued to process claims despite the appeals. The Administrator will therefore be able to quickly inform class members of the result of their claim assessment, upon the issuance of a favourable decision in the U.S. appeals.

ROCHON | GENOVA will continue to monitor the progress of this situation. Please check this website for updates, which will be posted as information is made available to us.

For further information or to confirm that your claim has been received by the Administrator, please, (please be sure to click the Canadian flag at the top right corner for the Canadian version of the website), or call them toll free at 1-800-462-3864.