Consumer Products And Services
Consumer class actions seek varying degrees of recovery for individuals who have sustained economic loss.
In consumer class actions, the economic loss to individuals may be relatively minor. Wasting $50 on an ineffective product or losing relatively small amounts of money every month on a cellphone plan may not seem worth the trouble of going to court. Even larger losses of hundreds of dollars may seem a trivial amount when compared with the cost and uncertainty of lengthy litigation.
Large corporations are fully aware of this. Whether they are involved in food manufacturing, telecommunications, household products, sports equipment, financial services or other fields, they know that most people cheated out of their money will simply take the loss and that they can profit.
By bringing those people together and aggregating claims in a large group and pursuing a class action lawsuit, we use the strength of numbers, which can level the playing field.
At Rochon Genova, we have an established record of holding corporations accountable for the harm they have caused in a consumer product context.
Keeping Them Honest
When assessing a case, we examine whether there is a loss to consumers, identify who is responsible, and analyze whether the case is worth pursuing.
Rochon Genova’s consumer class action lawyers pursue cases involving:
- Misleading advertising and marketing
- Unfair terms and conditions in sales contracts (sometimes found in insurance contracts or loan agreements)
- Insufficient warranties
- Improper charges such as hidden costs
- Overcharging
- Inadequate performance of consumer products
Our lawyers have pursued a variety of these cases, often against major industry players such as Bell. We have pursued actions against companies for rounding up cellphone minutes and for manufacturing faulty windows and defective laptops. Our cases have helped Canadian consumers ensure that the products and services they buy are actually worth what they paid.
Let us hear your story.
Contact Rochon | Genova LLP
Call Rochon Genova at 416-548-9874 or send us an email to set up a free consultation. Tell us why you feel you have been unfairly overcharged or deceived by representations made at the time of purchase.
We serve clients throughout Canada and the Greater Toronto Area.