Lens Solution Manufacturer Class Action

Lens Solution Manufacturer Class Action

OCTOBER 5, 2007

Press Release from Health Canada – Update on recall of COMPLETE All-In-One Contact Lens Care Solution

AMO Solution Class Action

TORONTO, June 1 /CNW/ – Today, the law firm of ROCHON | GENOVA issued a class action on behalf of users of Advanced Medical Optics Inc.’s (“AMO”) Complete All-in-one MoisturePlus Solution (the “Solution”), a contact lens cleaning solution. The Solution was recalled in Canada and the United States after it had been linked by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) to a rare but serious infection called Acanthamoeba Keratitis (“AK”).

The claim, filed with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, alleges that the Defendants knew or ought to have known that the Solution caused the AK, but failed to recall the Solution in a timely manner. It is further alleged that the Defendants only recalled the product because of the results of an investigation done by the CDC.

AK is normally a rare infection of the cornea caused by a waterborne organism and is characterized by extreme pain, light sensitivity and eye redness. In serious cases the infection can ultimately lead to blindness and may require cornea transplant surgery.

The Proposed Representative Plaintiff, a Toronto school teacher, has been diagnosed with AK and likely will require a cornea transplant. In September, 2006, she discontinued use of the Solution as a result of eye irritation. “I have been living with excruciating pain since November, 2006 and am now legally blind in my right eye as a result of the AK infection,” she said.

“AK infections can have a devastating effect on a person’s quality of life. AMO had a positive obligation to recall the product as far back as 2005; it is completely unacceptable that this defective product was left on the market until this week,” said Joel P. Rochon, a partner at ROCHON | GENOVA .

The allegations raised in the claim have not yet been proven in court. The plaintiff and the prospective class members are represented by the Toronto based law firm of ROCHON | GENOVA .

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